A diferença entre coaching e consultoria | The difference between coaching and advising

Há uma diferença significativa entre coaching e consultoria. O processo de coaching executivo centra-se no desenvolvimento do pensamento e das skills de um líder, enquanto a consultoria executiva centra-se principalmente em ajudar os clientes a alcançar resultados, potencializando a experiência e as soluções do consultor.

Compreender a diferença entre coaching e consultoria é crucial para garantir que o coach e o líder estejam na mesma página quando se trata do que se espera do processo de coaching.

Contacte-me se pretender iniciar um processo de coaching ou de consultoria em Recursos Humanos e Comportamento Organizacional.

There is a significant difference between coaching and advising — and as an executive coach, you should understand that. The executive coaching process is focused on developing the thinking and skills of an individual whereas executive advising focuses mainly on helping clients achieve results by leveraging the advisor’s expertise and solutions. 

Understanding the difference between coaching and advising is crucial in ensuring that you and your client are on the same page when it comes to what is expected of the process. 

Contact me if you want to start a coaching or consulting process in Human Resources and Organizational Behavior.